Geez, what a nightmare, Doug. You've pretty much described my experience of LinkedIn, but added a Kafkaesque twist that is both shocking and depressingly predictable. I'm sorry you're dealing with that nonsense. I look forward to seeing your film, however. And congratulations on creating the damn thing, which I can only imagine is a tough thing to pull off. The fact that you've done it all is a wonderful accomplishment. So, cheers. And I hope it gets the attention it deserves.

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Thanks, John. Ultimately, I'm generally pretty strategic about what I apply to, have a good sense of frauds, and don't think twice if I haven't heard of it and/or it doesn't have a flotilla of positive reviews from filmmakers. it's just that I dug into this one first because of its location, then because the veneer of plausibility was so shockingly thin I couldn't look away. And yeah it's been a long road making this film, but quite a pleasurable one. I'll screen it a few times in NZ to friends and maybe some curious acquaintances, and put it online eventually, and if it gets any additional attention, that's icing.

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